Meet Your Cybersecurity Compliance Partners

Proud Members of the
Insurance Community since 1999

Deep Expertise in how Insurance Agencies Operate

Most Documented
5 Star Reviews

DFS Compliance with NYCRR550

We Answer Our
Phones LIVE.

The Top 5 Reasons Independent Insurance Agency Owners Trust Their IT Services And Cybersecurity compliance to Motiva

93-Seconds or less response time guarantee.

The 3 Biggest problems most Insurance Agencies
have with their IT Systems
and how Motiva solves them!

Problem #1
It’s hard to explain the problem because they don’t know Insurance...

Specialized processes in financial services need expert solutions to avoid costly inefficiencies and delays. Our engineers are skilled in essential insurance and mortgage software like AMS, Hawksoft, Applied. We promptly resolve issues, saving you time and frustration.

Problem #2
Poor Communication, Terrible Response Times and Poor Service from your current IT Provider.

When you call their office, you get voicemail or unhelpful staff, and it takes days or weeks to resolve issues that keep recurring We answer calls live, with an average response time under 93 seconds, and offer after-hours and weekend support at no extra cost.

Problem #3
Lack of knowledge of Cybersecurity Laws such as NY DFS

Most outsourced IT Companies don't understand compliance with Federal and State Cybersecurity Regulations, especially NY DFS 23 NYCRR500 Law. Our clients trust us for full compliance and 24/7/365 cybersecurity monitoring with Motiva’s Compliance as a Service Plan.

Discover how to secure
yourself and your data
with a penetration test.

Learn how easy it is for hackers to get to your information if you’re not keeping track of it. Make sure your team is adhering to good cyber hygiene.

Nearly every data breach is preventable.
Unfortunately, cybercriminals rely on the common belief that just because you’ve been able to avoid an incident like this in the past, you’re safe now.

How the penetration test works

Click on the link

(simulating what happens when
a link in an email is clicked)

Run the
executable once

This takes between 5 minutes and an hour
(up to 2.5 hours on older machines).

Work as normal while itruns

We will analyze
your results

and present our findings to you in a meeting as to what a real hacker would find on your network

When this 100% confidential assessment is complete, you will know:

• Your Status on Security Patches & Vulnerability Management

• Whether your network has vulnerabilities resulting from patch management issues.

• If your Network Perimeter Defense is adequate

• Whether your firewalls are configured correctly and report issues if they did not appropriately alarm. Using multilayered boundaries, including a firewall, Intrusion Prevention and Intrusion Detection are more critical today than ever before.

• If your team is using stale, repeated or crackable passwords for accounts on your network.

• If security best practices for handling
passwords and credentials are employed, such as the usage of multi-factor authentication for remote access, critical accounts and administrative accounts,

• If your enforcement of a strong password policy, absence of default and/or shared accounts, etc. is even being done by your employees properly

• If your Identity & Access Management is blocking malicious threat actors

• If and where you have serious Data Leaks

• Where sensitive data is stored on your devices and make sure it’s being guarded. Hackers commonly exploit both your network and data assets when attacking your network.

• If your Malware Defenses would even pick up a new-age sophisticated threat such as one that utilized Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

• If you have an appropriate cyber stack for your specific company needs

• The Information YOU NEED to be informed for critical Cybersecurity Decision Making

• Whether you have proper Data Encryption enabled

• If your agency would withstand an attack (even on one machine!)

Empowering The Community:

Comprehensive Cybersecurity and Compliance Education

As registered NY DFS Instructor, we have collaborated to offer Continuing Education classes, and free webinars to all members of Associations such as Big "I", PIA, NYAIAI, & more. Through the pursuit of security and education, Motiva Networks has helped hundreds of Independent Companies gain clarity.

Extra Extra, Read All About It:
Maybe you've met Walter before, in 2004!

Walter Contreras
Registered Department of Financial Services Compliance Instructor, Cybersecurity expert, and CEO of Motiva Networks understands how the world's digital transformation is impacting small to medium sized businesses. With over 25 years of experience in information technology and cybersecurity, his vision is clear - safeguarding and strengthening the digital backbone of business owners.

Why Insurance Agencies love us

See what agencies like you have to say about Motiva Networks

Robert Stone

Managing Director - Stone Insurance

“Motiva has been great to work with from the beginning. The tech support team does a fantastic job of communication within the team so that they know what is going on with their customers. They are very knowledgeable and patient, they take the time to understand the issue so they can fix it quickly. They explain what they are doing and why, to your system, which I really like. They follow up to make sure the issues were handled to our satisfaction; I have never had a tech company do that. They are really the nicest people; I cannot say enough of what a pleasure it has been to work with them.”

Anthony DeFede

TCE Insurance Services, Inc.

“It’s rare that I write about somebody else. I strongly recommend you take advantage of Walter Contreras who is an expert in Cybersecurity and IT Managed Services. Even if you already have an IT company that handles your cybersecurity or a team on board, I cannot stress the importance of having a qualified, independent cyber security specialist conduct a [Cybersecurity] review. If they find areas that need improvement, they will let you know what they are so you can be brilliantly proactive in getting systems in place to ensure you never have to experience an embarrassing, financially devastating and disruptive cyber-event.”

Armond Schwing

Schwing Insurance Agency, Inc.

“Motiva has been great as a single source for solving all of our IT issues. They ensure that we are compliant with the requirements for the way Insurance Agencies protect the PPI data entrusted to them, which is extremely important. You should jump on board with them as your new IT Company. I’m confident in saying that Motiva is responsive to your needs, and their team is very capable of handing what your Insurance Agency needs.”

If you are an Independent Insurance Agency

and you have a nagging suspicion that your current IT Provider/Team isn't providing the service you expect from what you pay them, or isn't fully complying you with STATE LAWS
